30 September 2011

Review for: The Liturgical Year

In growing up in an evangelical background, I had little knowledge of the Catholic church, and the rituals and traditions that have been passed down through the ages. After attending an different denomonational churches, I felt somewhat more connected with the different ways of worship that we all choose. Similar to choosing a pair of shoes to wear, we are given the ability to choose a preference of how we worship… what truly moves our hearts and makes our souls sing out in praise. That may look different for everyone of us, but that is the beauty of freedom.
The book, The Liturgical Year, mentions some of these differences of expressions of worship, explaining a little more about the origin and Biblical passages from which they come, and their modern-day significance. I am a person who enjoys tradition and coming to a historical understanding of forms of worship, particularly seen in a Liturgical form. Pick up this book if you are interested in these things as well.