21 June 2009

To the Fjords of Norway… Part I


On the 12th of June, 2009, I have set out on an adventure that flies in the face of a typical approach to everyday life. In a matter of a morning and only three hours after I purchased my train tickets, I was on my first train, on my voyage to Norge. In my haste to pack for living self-sufficiently for six days and planning out my 5-star menu I would be lovingly prepare for myself, I anticipated missing out on a few items that I would deem as comforts. Only 7 km from Holsby, my mind exclaimed as my bowels moved… “Toilet Paper!!” truly an item of comfort, not necessity. And as this first item alarmed my senses, others surely followed: the toothbrush and toothpaste, a cup from which to drink, hand sanitizer, hot sauce, and the all-too-important garlic.

Looking forward to the next few days of solitude, my train from Nässjö is ready to depart. A cute girl to my right is watching Friends, Season 5, and I am reminded of those back home in the states through this mere observation. There are no doubts that I will be reminded of those whom I love back home…

I arrived in Oslo, Norway, around 11 pm last Friday evening, upon my first step outside of Oslo’s Central Station, I found myself in the midst of a local drug market being asked if I wanted anything from hash to cocaine by a variety and multitude of people; thus I received my first impression of both Oslo and Norway (later I’d find out that neither were anything to build a foundation on). I spent a few hours walking around the downtown area as a tourist, mainly observing the night life and its effects on its participants. My original plan for the evening was to find rest in the train station, but upon my arrival back to the station at 12:45 am, I shortly found myself courteously displaced by the stations security system named Thorbjorn. Coincidentally (and slightly weird) I earlier had thought to myself, “If I were to sleep underneath the stars within the walls of Oslo, here would be a great spot.” So upon the onset of my homelessness, I left the station a second time, only this time the “market” had closed and there was a man only meters to my left shooting up… an unsettling exit on to the streets of Oslo. And so I departed to a harbor area that had a garden of fountains and a solid two dozen park benches. I would find out this place was the common WC for the late night revelers and consequently found myself quite restless through the evening.

The train station opened back up around 4:30 am and as soon as that time drew near, I headed back inside Oslo Central to lay down on a bench for the next two hours before my train departed for Myrdal, some 5 hrs north of Oslo (about 2 hrs NE of Bergen). This train ride was probably one of the most beautiful trips I have ever been on as we went from sea level in Oslo to around 1500 meters and went through vast glaciers and through steep canyons that make up most of the fjord region. I arrived at Myrdal station around lunch, still not knowing what my next four days would hold. After some quick chats with the tourist information lady and a lady behind the café’s register, I set out to go from Myrdal to Flåm via foot without any real concepts of what lay before me or the places to end up making camp(s).

And so the hike began with a sharp descent of nearly 500 meters vertical, over an overall distance of less than 1.5 km as water falls displayed their glory on my right and my left from the melting snow which would follow me down in a torrent filled river that where Flåm meets fjord. Flåmsdalen would be my closest friend over the coming days. As I began the hike, I quickly realized I would have a thorn in my flesh for the rest of my tenure in Norway; in a rash and haste-filled decision, I opted for boots I have only worn a few times hiking, the result turned out to not be callouses (thankfully) but of sensitive-inner-ankles. This sounds odd, but the boots were designed for mountaineering (that which i inevitably did not do this trip) and where the boot-meets-"flesh" (sock); I'm not quite sure how it resulted, but I know the result all too well, that of tender-to-the-touch ankles which makes walking slightly difficult; nej, just not as comfortable. With this came both good and bad. Bad=discomfort and because of this I didn't feel the freedom to explore and trek as much as I had "hoped". Good = I had to slow down, in this came opportunity for thought, peace, and added flexibility; coincidentally it also directed much of my thought to the Lord, a most appreciated focus brought about in another way than I had anticipated. Isn't it strange how He uses the most unlikely of circumstance to draw us or remind us of His love towards us....

To the Fjords of Norway - Part II

Pt. 2

The hike has concluded at this point and there are many stories and descriptions which i would love to share with those who are more interested!! Just ask!!

Well, as i said, the hike is over and I currently have 6 hours to wait for my 1:05 am train to Oslo. I am sitting at the Myrdal train station drinking an absurdly priced cup of coffee flavoured water as i add an instant cappuccino mix to enhance the cup's body. With that now "satisfying" my palette, I embark on the warmth of love and resolve for living for something more.

There seems to be a continual fountain of drive and vigor that befriends someone of resolve, of one who has something or someone to hope in. On this trip it has consisted of two parties administering these monuments of hope and love, those are both God and you. I'll begin with you. "You" who are reading this have somehow invested in my life in some form or another, and for that i thank you. Running reminders of the past and present have warmed this soul of mine and brought new joy to my step (both literal and figurative). So now I dare to make mention of those I have recalled on my adventure. (please forgive me if I don't mention you specifically... you are still loved :) )

-For continually caring for me in the midst of life and selflessly shepherding on this adventure; Patrick.

-Maria and Allie, as i mentioned earlier, I saw a girl watching Friends on the train to Gothenborg; my how much you both love them. And, Monica (i mean Maria), thank you for your love.

-I saw two touring cyclists on my trek (one of which i took a picture) along with the fact that i am actually in Norge; Kevin Marshall Jones, thank you for your friendship and honesty with me. Congrats on your graduation, let's talk soon.

-I sat down in the city of Flåm at a micro-brewery called Ægir Bryggeri and revelled in the five samples I received; each one reminding my of the boys back at home (myself, Patrick, Caleb, Kevin, and Kyle). xoxo

-This trip in general has been a step outside of normal or typical for me. Thank you Brett, Bri, Ben, and Devin for exampling a spirit of testing and freedom. Your encouragement, friendship, and love mean so much to me!

-I got quite sun-burnt today as I was laying under the sun for a few hours reading and it reminded me of most of my life, but specifically of two years ago when i visited you, Brett, in LA and one day at Zuma beach we both got fried. Man, that sucked! :)

-During my one night on the streets of Oslo, it was affirmed yet again, that "Somewhere deep down, we're all street kids." Thank you Paul, Forrest, and Brandon for many memories.

-As I sit down to my second cup of "coffee" I am feeling the BOOMS coming on; thank you Mich, Forrest, and Devin for the memories and the ones to come.

-Also, as I sit down to this cup that epitomizes the averageness of Joe, I can eagerly look forward to the one that awaits me back at Holsby, the Stumptown i got for my birthday. Thank you, you lovely, lovely girls: Mich, Kels, Jules, and Rachel.

-I went on a fjord tour boat and felt the loving feeling of familiarity as it reminded me of my time in Alaska. Thank you for the blessed memories Chris and Dan and for Ben and Kelly who get to enjoy it this summer. Also, Crabb, after all, it is your home.

-On my way back from Flåm after the "cruise" of sorts, i took a bus. On this bus I sat next to a lady, both gentle and kind in the way that she smiled at me that imitated that of Bev's, my grandma. Coincidentally remembering grandpa and his joy that is infectious.

-In town (Flåm), I saw a tourist with sketch pad and pencil, detailing the Majesty portrayed before them. Your gifts amaze me and unyieldingly hold my attention of their beauty and creativity. Thank you for the blessing of art Catie, EmLem, Rachel, and Alyssa. Your blessing will always be welcomed here.

-I was at the Flåm tourist center inquiring of the happenings in the area, predominantly areas of hiking and the like, when the girl behind the desk invited me to her house for tea and conversation with her and her roommates (coincidentally they were all of the summer help for all of what Flåm has to offer). This reminds me of you, Jules, and for your caring pursuitof me and invitation into your own life.

-My Ipod batter was dead before i even started, bummer.. But i was able to sing to myself and odly singing some songs of friends (Bear Carver, Aaron Cowan), and of Doug and the Good Lookings (Matt, Brett, and Jess). In this I was recalling also those who love music, primarily my cousins (Scott, Erik, David, and Tucker) who's lives are encompassed by song.

-Cooking last nights supper of penne pasta, onions sauteed in butter (Kim), fried ham, and Parmesan cheese, I desperately wanted something better :) Thank you dad for the years of great cooking and passing that love to me.

-The fat that I was just backpacking for a longer period of time brings forth fond memories of our expedition crew last year of Kara, Kat, Patrick, Jim, Keith, Carol, and Alicia. Wish we could have shared this one as well.

-As I was having my tour of brew, a couple from Holland brought company. We had a genuinely interesting conversation over our 0.5 L and was reminded of the love that has been shared over a pint or cup of coffee with you who have a genuine interest in me. Thank you to all, but specifically to Dave, Brandon, Jon Gon, Ben, Andrea, and Eric.

-Norwegians seem to be a strange breed, one that i can say I don't fully understand but am intrigued by. With this i quickly think of an ever-so-slight similarity to my friendship with you Billy Hague. I miss you Billy and love you. Continue being used by Him as a catalyst for His Kingdom.

-For those "Fashionistas" out there, I met a few English models and camera crew when I visited my friend's home (from the tourist center). They had set up this modern art play house sculpture with a backdrop of the Norwegian canyon which the house was set in. I don't quite know who to put here, but it reminded me of.... beauty, lovers of photography, modern-art enthusiasts, and those who revel in the unique beauty amidst the natural.

-As I look back to my time in Flåm, there was a sweater shop of classic Norwegian knit sweaters, and as I look immediately in front of me, there is a sweater hanging on the wall for decoration. Norwegians love sweaters i guess. Strangely, they all have the flare and similar knit pattern to the one you wear Roy (maybe it is retired now). Thank you for your guidance, mentorship, and friendship. I'm looking forward to a good steak meal with you and Mesu.

-I know that there are others out there that I haven't mentioned, but there is one that I want to if I can remember... who it is... oh yeah, mom. Plainly, thank you for your love and support, they are a blanket of encouragement and comfort.

Thank you all, both family and friends for your love, encouragement, laughs, and challenges, for life shared and life lived.