27 March 2009

Giving my best Våffeldagen (Waffle-Day) face.

This is Ekhaga, the dorm in which i reside.

Enjoying the "big" town of Vetlanda.

On a hike south of Holsby.

The Crescendoing of a Vision

Friday. The end of full week 2. The beginning of hosting a weekend marriage retreat.

This week has been a monument to the surpassing greatness of our Lord. The course director, Joel, currently is up in Norrland with a group of students on a week + tele-mark ski trip, thus leaving Patrick and myself to ourselves to chip away at a "to-do" list of sorts. In this weeks list, we had been given the visionary task of seeking out and developing a curriculum that will be implemented with the various groups that will come through Fackelbarana this Spring or Summer.
After a chance to seek the Lord in a personal time, we came together to share vision for the lives with whom we will come in contact with. This time has proved to be encouraging and exciting as we feel the same direction for the coming months. The book of Ephesians is where we have landed, primarily circling around the premise of the Trinitarian unity of God and how Christ followers are to be unified with Christ, living in intimate relation with the Lord.
I guess i should allow you to catch a vision for the groups who will be coming through our program. This spring will be primarily devoted to school children around the same age as those who i have worked with previously at the challenge course on Mt. Hood, which is sixth graders from public schools who will come in for day-long programs. The other primary group whom we will facilitate are Confirmation groups. These students are usually around the age of 15 or 16 and come for a variety of reasons. To begin, some will come because of tradition, others because of obligation to parents, others to hang out with their friends, and/or others will come because of the Kronor they hope to accumulate from their grandparents upon completion of the Confirmation program through their local church. The sad truth is that the majority of these students will never step back into the church once they are done.
A vision and passion have been stoked through the conversations that we have had. This dream is to convey what is the height and depth of the Love of our Lord through Jesus Christ, and the extending of the invitation to BE in relationship with Love, Himself. Patrick and i feel that we have the honor and privilege (marked with responsibility) to extend knowledge of Him and the hope in which He has called them. We will use Ephesians as our primary text to share the message of Truth, the gospel of their salvation (Eph. 1:17). There is a mystery that is introduced by Paul in Eph. which is representative of Christ followers partaking of the union with God. The depths of this mystery i do not claim to understand, of the glory of Christ in those who believe, living in union with the Triune Lord, but am excited to explore this wonderful invitation with Patrick, Joel, Heide, the interns, and the participants who will come through our program this year.
Thank you all for your continuing investment in my life. If you have any insights into what it means to live in union with the Lord, any questions, or general thoughts, please comment below or email me.
I look forward to keeping you up to date and giving over the work that Patrick and I do over this coming week in Ephesians.

Joshua Clouser

i'll encourage you to read this as well as mine regarding the thoughts that have been excited over this past week:

19 March 2009


Hej! Hur mår du?
Both Patrick and I seem to be settling in to this place that is before us. There are still many unknowns as to what our job descriptions are, but in due time we will get a stronger grasp on what they are. I can say with surety, that with each day that has passed so far, my competency for my position has increased dramatically.
We have now been in Sweden for a week, a crazy fast transition into where i am. I can say that as of Tuesday, i feel that any jet lag that had been clinging to me, lost its grip. I am enjoying the Torchbearer atmosphere so far. It has been an interesting transition as i am now present in the midst of established friendships, but the students and staff have been more than welcoming and i am looking forward to getting to know them as Spring Term rolls around.
I had the chance to hang out with the Program Staff this past Monday. We went a little North of Holsby, not really sure where, but we were in what i would consider the countryside of Småland. We visited an old Viking marking stone that dated back to the ninth century, had the opportunity to walk on two frozen lakes, share an abbreviated version of our stories in a few centuries old church, eat a "Swedish" meal together, and talk and pray over the Adventure Program. It was a pivotal day in respects to team unity and acceptance with those who i will be serving with.
The interns for the Spring Adventure Program will be arriving in just over 2 weeks. I am stoked to get to know them and capitalize on experience and be a tool for the Lord to change lives. The intern team will consist of 5 interns, all girls, and there is a chance at having another intern who turns out to be another girl. Should be fun. Until they arrive, both Patrick and I are going to be "on our own", as our boss will be out on a Discovery trip with some students, and will be preparing for the coming season and the upcoming training for the Spring interns. I feel that this time has the potential of allowing a sense of settling into the coming months and would love prayer over the next two weeks for that.
Well, i need to get some rest for tomorrow will be a big day.
Thank you for your prayers.


16 March 2009

Frozen Lake Walking

The Adventure Team

12 March 2009

First Full Day, half-way through

As Patrick and I begin to settle in to what will be our lives over the coming months, we are both struck with the possibilities and opportunities will bring. Although I am currently battling jet-lag in an arm wrestling match (an epic equivalent to Over the Top), i know that this will be a place of growth and adventure.
I wish i felt i had the competency to finish this entry, but i am tired and the lunch bell just rang. Im out...

Peace and Love

Finally in Sweden...

March 10-11, 2009

Today I have arrived. Not in the sense that I have become who I am to be, but literally in Sweden. I am here!

It has been a whirl wind over the previous 48 hours. Beginning with the arrival of a Passport, Patrick’s also arriving; booking plane tickets; packing; flying out or PDX to Seattle to Copenhagen, commuting via train to Vetlanda; and then meeting only for the second time, the program director Joel along with a handful of others who I will have the opportunity to experience life and the Lord with over the coming months.

This opportunity has been a wrestling match to establish some sort of control against the difficulties that have presented themselves. To note, this is where I feel the Lord has led and entering into this opportunity in the midst of uncertainty has only beckoned trust, and in trust, patience. The verity of not knowing when the opportunity to leave would present itself, I have had to examine how the hours and days present were passed advantageously in anticipation of the unknown hour that was coming…

It is in this that I have begun to ponder the days I now have in lieu of the reality of Christ’s coming. This summons the question, “Am I living today as if Christ could return at any hour?”

09 March 2009

I'll Fly Away

Today has and will continue to be a hectic day. I received my passport in the mail today. After just a few short hours, i have booked my flights for the trip. I am traveling tomorrow to Sweden!!!!
After it being so "far" away it is finally happening, and in less than 24 hours...
Needless to say, anxiety is up, as i shall soon depart for a tenure in Sweden. Please continue to pray for me. If any of you have Skype, please let me know or add me as a contact at: joshua.clouser

Many Blessings,
Josh Clouser